17:30 – 18:30 JUNE 12, 2019
PARALLEL SESSION 3.3 Open Science and Industry Commons
The session will address how we can make the most out of data generated by stakeholders. The underlying documentation system (taxonomy and ontology) and ways to share data (market places) will be discussed, together with the construction of actual databases.
Eva Valsami Jones, Director of the Facility for Environmental Nanoscience Analysis and Characterisation, Director of the MRes programme on Environmental and Biological Nanoscience, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Alexandra Simperler, Goldbeck Consulting Ltd, United Kingdom
Data sharing across the NMBP programme via Industry Commons: from ontologies to marketplaces
Marco Sebastiani, “Roma TRE” University, member of the Operational Management Board at the European Materials Characterization Council, Italy
MODA and CHADA: Terminology and standardized documentation for materials modelling and characterization
Miguel Banares, Institute for Catalysis, CSIC, Spain
NANOINFORMATIX: towards the implementation of a sustainable infomatics tool for engineered nanomaterials risk modeling… maximizing the value of data
Antreas Afantitis, Managing Director Nova Mechanics Ltd, Greece
Innovative Nanoinformatics models and tools: towards a Solid, verified and Integrated Approach to Predictive (eco)Toxicology
Iseult Lynch, Chair in Environmental Nanosciences, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Enabling FAIRness and Openness of EU NanoSafety Cluster data. The NanoCommons and NanoSolveIT approach

Eva Valsami Jones
University of Birmingham, Director of the Facility for Environmental Nanoscience Analysis and Characterisation (FENAC) and Director of the MRes programme on Environmental and Biological Nanoscience
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS (in alphabetical order)

Iseult Lynch
Professor in Environmental Nanosciences, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Marco Sebastiani
Tenured Assistant Professor of Materials Science at “Roma TRE” University, member of the Operational Management Board at the European Materials Characterization Council (EMCC), Italy