
NEW! Application procedure and information

The Industrial and research exhibition will deliver a comprehensive image of the nanotechnology and advanced materials potential for various European industrial sectors.

State of the art nanotechnology products, video demonstrations about the last developments in the nano-related fabrication/characterization equipment, demonstrators, etc. will be available.

The exhibition will be a great opportunity for different projects to disseminate their research results to a wider audience, while the research institutes, start-ups, etc. will have the chance to raise their visibility, to network with current / new partners and find customers.

The exhibition package includes the listing of your logo and company name, short description and link on the conference website and program booklet.

The following options are available:

Table top - 2m table top exhibition stand, a complimentary registration for 1 delegate and one printed roll-up
€ 800
Shell scheme booth - 3x2m exhibition booth from octanorm-type panels (1x2.5m), one desk, two sitting stools, large exhibitor identification print (without logo), a complimentary registration for 1 delegate and an € 100 conference fee discount per each additional delegate.
€ 1,500

All prices include 19% Romanian V.A.T

Download EuroNanoForum 2019 Sponsoring / Exhibition booklet

Award! Best Horizon 2020 project in NMBP

Horizon 2020 projects in NMBP are invited to showcase their results, concepts and demos at EuroNanoForum 2019.

During the EuroNanoForum 2019 conference, the projects will be evaluated and the winner will be awarded.

If interested, please book an exhibition stand package. In case you want to present only a poster, please submit an abstract via the online registration form (Poster section). Please use the title format “H2020 – project title”!

For further information, please contact info@euronanoforum2019.eu

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