The media participants interested to participate at EuroNanoforum 2019 are requested to contact the event organisers, by sending an e-mail with the contact details (name, surname, affliliation) at
Here you can download related files:
Type | Description | Link for download |
| EuroNanoForum 2019 Press release June 2019 | |
| Comunicat de presa_EuroNanoForum 2019 Iunie 2019 | |
| EuroNanoForum E-news no. 6 | |
| EuroNanoForum E-news no. 5 | |
| EuroNanoForum E-news no. 4 | |
| Press release_EuroNanoForum 2019 | |
| Comunicat de presa_EuroNanoForum 2019 | |
| EuroNanoForum E-news no. 3 | |
| EuroNanoForum E-news no. 2 | |
| EuroNanoForum E-news no. 1 | |
| Sponsoring / Exhibition booklet | |
| Save the Date! Flyer, 1 side | |
| Save the Date! - for print on A4, 2 sides | |
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