12:00 – 13:30                                                                      JUNE 13, 2019
A. I. CUZA Hall
PILLAR 5 – Instruments for nanomaterials know-how
PARALLEL SESSION 5.1 Nano and Multiscale modelling for a wide range of applications
Modelling, computational material science, and numerical simulation of materials are today the pre-condition for design and development of novel functional materials, instead of experience-based material development. In particular, nanomaterials and materials for quantum devices require validated multi-scale models. The session highlights material selection and optimization on an atomistic scale, which requires well-established cause-effect relationships and the scale bridging from atomistic models through microscale regime to component functionality. There is a wide range of applications- from electronics, surface engineering, and energy materials to biomaterials.
Winfried Keiper, Keiper Consulting, co – secretary of the European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies, Germany
Pietro Asinari, Energy Department – Politecnico di Torino, Italy
How the European Materials Modelling Council promotes Model Development and Validation in Europe
Salim Belouettar, Head of the Structural Composites Group, Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
Material Modelling Empowered Business Decision Support System (BDSS)
Natalia Konchakova, Magnesium Innovation Centre MagIC of the Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
Translator guiding industry in decisions
Arpit Singhal, Fraunhofer Institut für Werkstoffmechanik IWM, Germany
Materials modelling MarketPlace to enable industrial innovation through interoperable multiscale simulations
Tomi Suhonen, VTT Finland
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering in Addressing Material Design and Optimization in Industrial Problems
Amaya Igartua, Head of Tribology Unit at IK4-TEKNIKER, EuMaT General Secretary, Spain
Modelling activities as a tool to predict properties and materials behaviour

Winfried Keiper
Keiper Consulting, co – secretary of the European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies, Germany
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS (in alphabetical order)

Salim Belouettar
Head of the Structural Composites Group, Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg

Natalia Konchakova
Magnesium Innovation Centre MagIC, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht - Centre for Materials and Costal Research, Germany