12 – 14 June 2019, Bucharest, Romania
Friday 14th June 2019
The European Materials Characterisation Council (EMCC)
This workshop will give a deep overview of the European Materials Characterisation Council (EMCC) roadmap and discuss the input from industry on key required actions on advanced characterisation in Europe. The EMCC has published a roadmap that is a reference for discussion on the most urgent actions, to improve access of industry to advanced characterisation. Stakeholders from EU industry, academy and standardisation bodies will discuss the pivotal role of characterisation in supporting innovation. Aspects of e.g. characterisation data (CHADA), data management plan for scientific/process/manufacturing data, ontologies for the harnessing of data, taxonomy and curation of data, classification, database construction, will be discussed, with view on Industry 4.0 that requires an Open Innovation Ecosystem for knowledge and data sharing to link principal characterisation infrastructures and experts to the real industrial world.
The participation to the workshop will be open.
The contact person for those intending to participate Jorge Costa Dantas Faria.
Workshop organisers: Jorge Costa Dantas Faria (European Commission) and European Materials Characterisation Council (EMCC)
Chair: Costas Charitidis, Eva Valsami-Jones
11:30 – 11:45 Roadmap & Strategy beyond H2020, Jorge Costa Dantas Faria
11:45 – 12:30 “Open Science and Industry Commons”, Marco Sebastiani
12:30 – 13:30 Open Test Beds -Open Discussion with representatives from:
- Open Innovation Test Bed for development of nanomaterials for Lightweight Embeded Electronics – LEEBED, Zachary Davis (Danish Technological Institute)
- Intelligent Open Test Bed for Materials Tribological Characterisation Services i-TRIBOMAT, Amaya Igartua (IK4-Tekniker)
- OITBs for Characterization – FormPlanet, Esther Hurtós (EURECAT)
- TEESMAT, Ennio Capria (ESRF)
Discussion points:
- OITBs from the point of view of characterisation
- Impact of synergies between EMCC & OITB
- Harmonization & Communication channels
- Open discussion
14:00 – 16:00 Adoption by Industry
14:00 – 14:30 Material Characterisation: From R&D to production, A case study. Invited speaker: Nikos Pantelelis from Synthesites;
14:30 – 15:00 Invited speaker – Ferry Kienberger from Keysight
15:00 – 16:00 Characterisation roadmap development interactive session & open discussion (Bojan Boskovic, Costas Charitidis, Elias Koumoulos)