EuroNanoForum, Bucharest, Romania
Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials research in H2020 and Horizon Europe (H-EU):
Strategic planning, impact, governance and public engagement
Date Friday, 14th June 2019
Start 9:00h
End 11:00h
Venue: EuroNanoForum, Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest, Romania
Advanced materials are a key part to almost every innovation. Advanced materials are addressed in nearly every Horizon Europe cluster, mission, or activity. Hence the need for cross-silo, cross-cluster materials research. The Strategic Planning phase plays an outstanding role in designing the future governance of Materials R&I in H-EU. Paradigms as co-creation, impact, problem solving, inclusion will be relevant drivers to be addressed. It is time to start now to reflect among the Materials Community how to contribute to this exercise: A Round table with COM- and “Alliance for Materials, A4M” representatives.
Potential participants are invited to send their intentions
by e-mail to Dr. Winfried Keiper
9:00 Welcome – opening remarks, Marco Falzetti, APRE
9:10 Introduction: A4M initiative for strategic planning of materials research in H-EU, Amaya Igartua, EUMAT co-Secretary
9:20 The A4M Opinion Paper and Vision for Materials Research, Winfried Keiper, EUMAT Co-Secretary
9:40 The Commission view on Materials research: Latest developments in Horizon Europe; opportunities for stakeholders as part of the strategic planning exercise. Barend Verachtert, Head of Materials and Nanomaterials Unit, COM
9:50 Interactive Round table with B. Verachtert (COM) and A4M representatives, moderated by Martina de Sole (APRE):
(a) Tour de Table, A4M – short statements of the A4M participants about: – Organisation represented – materials research interests – expected impact.
Advanced Materials Technologies, Nieves Gonzales-Ramon, SUSCHEM;
Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials research in H2020 and Horizon Europe (H-EU) Strategic planning, impact, governance and public engagement, Philippe Jacques, EMIRI;
Materials for a Better Future, Rodrigo Martins, EMRS;
Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials research in H2020 and Horizon Europe (H-EU) – Strategic planning, impact, governance and public engagement, Nadja Adamovic, EMMC;
EuMaT – European Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies Platform, A EU platform for academia and industry, Winfried Keiper, EUMAT;
(b) „Questions and Answers“ moderated by Martina de Sole on the topics „materials impact“, „governance at COM level“, and „co-creation“ – with questions invited from the audience
10:45 Final words, outcome, next actions: by M. Falzetti A4M and by Barend Verachtert, COM
11:00 End of the workshop