Dr. Pierre Barthélemy, CEFIC, Executive Director, Innovation
Pierre Barthélemy obtained his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Liège, Belgium, in 1987, in the field of lanthanide coordination chemistry, followed by one year of postdoctoral research at Florida State University. He joined the global chemical company Solvay in 1988 in Brussels, Belgium, and moved to various R&D, management and senior leadership roles. He worked successively in the field of fluorocarbons, peptide pharmaceutical ingredients, and materials for the emerging market of organic electronics.
Since June 2014, he has been seconded to Cefic (European Chemical Industry Council) where he is the Executive Director Innovation. In this role, he works with global chemical companies headquartered or active in Europe to support their innovation ambitions, in particular by strengthening the link between the chemical industry and the EU-institutions for innovation-related aspects.
He is a member of the Cefic leadership team, and represents Cefic in the board of SusChem (www.suschem.org) and A.SPIRE (www.spire2030.eu)