Mircea Dragoman has graduated the Electronic Faculty, Polytechnical Institute in Bucharest, in 1980, and received the doctoral degree in electronics in 1991. In the period 1992-1994 he was the recipient of the Humboldt Fellowship award and has followed postdoctoral studies at Duisburg University, Germany.
He is Senior Researcher I with the National Research Institute in Microtechnologies. He co-authored more than 250 scientific papers and 6 monographies, such as M. Dragoman, D. Dragoman, Nanoelectronics. Principles and Devices, at Artech House, Boston, USA (2008) and M. Dragoman and D. Dragoman, 2D Nanoelectronics, Physics and Devices of Atomically Thin Materials, at Springer (2017).
Title presentation: Graphene goes to cars -graphene lighting of automobiles
Abstract: The talk presents our results of 1.5 year project together Renault Romanian Technology (RTR) aiming the reduction of car weight by changing the Cu wires which weight 40-50 kg with graphene nano composite wires which are orders of magnitudes lighter. Decreasing with 50 Kg the weight of a car then we get a reduction5g de CO2/km and 0.1 l of fuel/100 km and the speed of a car becomes 100 km/h in 2-3 seconds. This is a lab to fab project starting from TRL2 up to TRL 4, including test of the graphene wires on Renault cars on the specialized runway of Renault near Bucharest. We have tested the graphene wires for car headlights and a special cover for the interior of the car for better thermal conditions.
Acknowledgements: we thanks to Ministry of Research and Innovation and UEFISCDI for the financial support of these researches under the contract 91PED 03/01/2017 and to all Renault research team for the scientific and logistic support.