Ms. Lise BITSCH, female, PhD., Senior Project Manager at the Danish Board of Technology Foundation (DBT), manager for “Ethics and Society” in the EU flagship Human Brain Project, and coordinator of the EU project GoNano. She holds a PhD. in Science and Technology Studies (STS), from Twente University, The Netherlands, where she studied the influence of future oriented expectations on innovation trajectories in research on asthma and cardiovascular disease. Before joining the DBT in 2014, she worked as a post doc at the Athena Institute for Science Communication at the Vrije University Amsterdam. Her experience covers conceptualisation and execution of responsible research and innovation (RRI), working with constructive and parliamentary technology assessment, ethics and multi stakeholder engagement, international and national citizen engagement on genomics, neuroscience, AI and ICT. Additional experience includes FP7 RRI Tools, SATORI and ASSET.

Speaker of PILLAR 2: NANO for PEOPLE. PARALLEL 2.3 Nanotechnology for society