Andreas Falk, MSc (male) is CEO of BNN (BioNanoNet ForschungsGmbH), studied biomedical sciences, and business administration (University of Graz); was/is part of >20 completed/ongoing national and European projects in the thematic fields of nanotechnology, nanotoxicology, nano-health, sensor solutions, medicine, and sustainable chemistry. He is active within several national and international working groups e.g. EU NanoSafety Cluster (NSC; member of coordination team, responsible for innovation oriented work of the cluster), European Technology Platform Nanomedicine (ETPN; member of executive board; Chair of WG safety & characterization in nanomedicine), European Technology Platform SusChem (Board-member as representative of the national technology platforms; chair of Austrian national technology platform SusChem-AT), Austrian “lighthouse” in NANOfutures, management committee member of several COST-Actions, member of advisory board of EU-projects, e.g. European Pilot Production Network (EPPN), SINFONIA (ERA-chair), etc. In the field of nanosafety/nanotoxicology/nanomedicine as well as industrial innovation support (e.g. innovation hubs, Closer-to-the-market), he contributed >80 oral and >30 poster presentations on international scientific conferences and workshops. He is scientific co-organizer of EU-Asia Dialogue on NanoSafety series, and working group member in the initiative “Towards Safe Chemicals Innovation”.